Komunitas seni HITAM-PUTIH di Sumatra Barat awalnya adalah kelompok teater yang tumbuh di lingkungan pelajar SMU. Didirikan pada tahun 1992 dengan nama Teater Plus sebagai salah satu kegiatan ekstra-kurikuler di SMU Plus INS Kayu Tanam Sumatera Barat dengan berbagai karya pertunjukan seperti Anggun Nan Tongga (1993), Ring (1994), Kamar, Perguruan (2005), Interne, Kado (1996) . Kemudian pada tanggal 31 Oktober 1997 bertepatan dengan Ulang tahun INS Kayutanam, atas beberapa pertimbangan dari beberapa siswa dan alumni yang aktif, akhirnya terdapat satu kesepakatan dibentuknya sebuah kelompok independen dengan nama komunitas seni HITAM-PUTIH. Hingga saat ini komunitas seni HITAM-PUTIH tetap eksis dan selalu memberi warna baru dalam aktifitas seni pertunjukan di Indonesia khususnya di Sumatra Barat. Berbagai aktivitas seni pertunjukan khususnya teater dengan pendekatan teater tubuh telah dipentaskan, baik di tingkat regional Sumatera hingga di beberapa tempat di Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur dan Bali. Seperti Menunggu (1997- 1998-1999-2000), Hamba-Hamba (1997-2008), Welcome to Millenium, Komplikasi (2000), Pesta Topeng (2001), Pintu (2002-2003), Aksioma (2005), Tak Ada Sabtu Sampai Minggu Hanya Ada Siang Dan Malam (2006) Ditunggu Dogot (2005-2007), Dunia Dalam Mesin Jahit (2006), Tangga (2007), Zona X (nyanyian negeri sunyi) (2008), Sesuatu yang melintas dalam samar (2009). di samping melakukan eksplorasi, riset dan eksperimen untuk mencari bentuk-bentuk alternatif seni pertunjukan khususnya seni teater. komunitas seni HITAM-PUTIH, juga mengembangkan bidang kesenian lainnya dengan menjadi penyelenggara beberapa iven seperti pemutaran film kerja-sama dengan Jiffest, In-Doc, dan Eagle Award (2003- sekarang) dan membantu Sukri Dance Theatre dalam setiap proses dan pertunjukan tari.




Community Theatre Performing Black-White Padangpanjang

Actor(Not) Everything

By Nasrul Azwar

"Our job waiting, waiting Dogot task. That's it. Stomach that's your business. "
"What's it's just a brain, do not wear belly? What Dogot, your brother did not have the stomach but have a brain? So? You're brothers right? Just as the whistle blew builders, artisans selling tickets and ditch digger. Dogot's brother right? If not why did you close-up ?..."
Piece of text at the top looks mediocre. Nothing strange. Similarly, the text of this article.However, he feels very different when the spirit of play is blown into it. He was flesh and soul. So the theater. Such events theater built from the text that "dead" becomes "live" on stage. And this is what distinguishes the significance between the literary text text view theater.

Choice of literary texts in the form of short stories that are projected to text art community theater performed by Black & White Padangpanjang Kurniasih director of Olives, it shows the kind of antiesensialisme. "Awaited Dogot" original works of short stories Sapardi Djoko Damono, who on July 1, 2006 at the Cultural Park Theatre Closed West Sumatra diaudivisualkan like antarsutradara clarify the relation of space, authors, performers, and spectators. On the night went on so-called diaspora and brikolase theater. "Awaited Dogot" in a positive level and integrate the successful rearrangement of objects put markers previously-unrelated-to generate new meanings in new contexts.

Intertextuality with the understanding the accumulation and creation of meaning across the text in which all meanings depending on the meaning of each other. Consciously quoting a text in another text as an expression and a greater awareness kutural. At the very least, the same texts that are connected in a single frame of interpretation that gives broad democratization and opening text crawl. Director position, with all its supporters have managed to compile the various elements that deserve presented on stage. So, therefore, theatrical performances "Awaited Dogot" incarnates not like kutbah that sucks, which is often done by many theater groups in the city of Padang so far.

Process Seriously
Short story "Awaited Dogot" by Sapardi Djoko Damono which was adapted into theatrical works on stage, did not immediately release him so just with a text that has been formed in the public memory. At the very least, the first reference comes from the public memory is "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Becket. The relation of text that is built up by itself, then find "justification" as the problem of human life absurdisme become an important case in the text of the show "Wait Dogot".

In this limit, perhaps what is called intertextuality find its legitimacy. Sapardi Djoko Damono as the author of "Awaited Dogot" and Kurniasih Olives as the director puts kuktural code as an entry for the crawl spaces, context, and narrative kanaifan man himself.

It has become a separate note, that the work of Samuel Beckett inspired at least 100 books and thousands of works in the face of this earth, and his work became a study material inexhaustible. Not just "Manunggu Godot", also other works such as "Endgame" become a master drama Becket. Indeed, who was elected as the work of Nobel literature laureate is "Waiting for Godot" in 1969.

So far, finally had to perform an act, also means interpreting the manuscript. Commentary by Kurniasih Olives to the "Awaited Dogot" deserve positive be appreciated. This case was seen from the styles and points of emotional attachment to the form of investment which is contingent (impermanence), and poured in a fantasy which partially unify the various discourses and psychic power play. Performers, called "Men" and "Woman" is the impermanence of human identity which tries to construct narratives of self-confidence increasingly porous subjectivity.Two identities are the focus of the story to build the conflict, as well as visual effects.
When the text "Waiting for Godot" dialogue plays a long philosophical debate, and if not wait it is very tiring, so the script "Awaited Dogot" aktualisasai more emphasis on current conditions, and not a philosophical debate. Thus, the consequences of cultivation and the presence of properties on the stage becomes very important.

The story "Awaited Dogot" begins a man and a woman push his bike to meet Dogot. Because both of them being waited Dogot. Dogot gives the condition that the two men were not to be late and should not be too fast, be on time. Problems emerge when pedaling the bicycle: if too fast or slow the case are geared toward. The agreement, they must be on time. Arguments can not be avoided, and also regarding the identity Dogot lawsuit waiting. But in a fight that also emerged a sense of romantic intimacy and the second was a human child. The most primordial human instinct for other types appeared, namely sex. And what and who you really Dogot who was waiting for them, eventually it becomes plural identity and cultural identity. But people really crave like Dogot identity.

People of "Woman" Ika Trisnawati played that night was turn the image of "woman" really is.Acting is not nosy, and seem able to complement the natural "man" who dilakonkan Ashadi.From the second story of the play is explored, were exposed, and built with the stabilization of games that remain within the frame that does not look like there is a lot of repetitions performed theater groups in this area. Therefore, the spectacle of so interesting, communicative, effective, and amazing. Estimates show no more than 40 minutes to make the audience fascinated in his chair. For me, adjust the tempo of the game, using seefesien possible time, and also the ability memungsionalisasikan property, is something inevitable for theatrical performances. And it has been done by the arts community Padangpanjang Black-White.

Additionally, one thing that makes the show "Wait Dogot" somewhat different from other theater performances in West Sumatra has emerged is an awareness of the functions and benefits of technology and the ability menyinergikannya with the needs of the show. Kahadiran screen on the wall of the stage to show the pictures that are connected with activities and events that built the two actors, clearly emphasize the effects achieved. Also, present a stage that moves, feels completing the integrity of the show. Toward achievement so that, for me not be resolved easily, and also not a matter which concerns berteater tersebab the invitation from the other side, then roll in a theater play. At least, there kesesungguhan in it. There are processes and the search for innovative forms of said stage. Work and theater events like this are never noise. Black-White art community may be one of the many community theater that moves with the participation and perseverance in seeking and continue to hone kamampuan and sensitivity of thoughts and feelings. They walked in the identity and the militants.

So, what Peter Brook has ever written, at this boundary is very true: Theater should reflect the unique relationship of the sign of life. The difference that separates between truth and reality are not at the level of difference, but on the similarities that can be read through a set of careful thinking.

"Awaited Dogot" wide open spaces and contextual interpretation, but historically, it becomes ahistorical. Linkages and relevance to social life are implemented in the actualization of the theme, and content. Dialogue and conflict that put forward possible to achieve unification of articulation and determination logic in the realm of space and time. However, due to a lack of in-depth study of absurdisme, existentialism, and the psychology of Freud, then show "Wait Dogot" less successful at the level of psychological exploration. The characters are still playing in the ego-subjectivity, clearances clearly legible characters, and the details of each character untapped. But, one thing is very awake is a stable tempo game, and the achievement of an appropriate plot.

So the "Awaited Dogot". He will be packed themselves with offers of participatory and imaginative to the public, and indeed not just a theater actor who became the property which is painted above the stage director, actor is a "creator" on stage. *

Posted by Nasrul Azwar
link terkait : http://www.mantagisme.co.cc